We’re Back!
When someone says We’re Back, I always want to know where they went. The Needle didn’t go anywhere but the marketing person hasn’t been up to speed lately. I’m Karen and I am the marketing person.
What is a Blog? It is a discussion or informational website consisting of discreet, often informal diary-style entries. Sound complicated…it’s not. It can be content in long form description sent out on a regular basis. So, the Needle’s Blog is more descriptive than the brief Facebook posts.
Now, let’s discuss the Needle’s Blog. Cynthia’s vision is to imagine our newsletter has become our Blog. You will receive the latest information on fabrics, merchandise, and events. We hope to post a Blog weekly. Karen writes the information, Cynthia polishes what was written, and then Karen posts the blog online. (Karen is known for using wrong dates and numbers.)
Ok, so let’s find this Blog! You get on your computer, tablet or smart phone and find our Website Welcome to Needle in a Haystack (needlenahaystack.com). You will look at the top of the webpage for the wide purple line which lists Blog. Or on smaller screen, look for 3 yellow lines in the top left corner. Click on the lines, look under Main Menu for Blog. Either way, click on Blog and read your way through Needle’s merchandise and events. (You know what else? Blog link is also in the bottom purple line. That way you can find it; no matter what.)
Enjoy reading past and present Blogs from the Needle!